Wednesday, April 9, 2008

On the Mission Statement

Dear All,

In this era of all-encompassing dunderheadedness it will the aim of this blog to illuminate those who read it. Short essays on the issues of the day that affect you, me and that moron who sits next to you on the bus and listens to Icelandic Euro-trance at a volume that is probably fusing whatever functioning neurones haven't decided to cut their losses and die in a whimpering, quivering mass. Well, maybe not him, but certainly you and me.

These missives will be aimed at the chronologically and empirically challanged. Let's foreclose the mortgage on ignorance, break the brittle back of stupidity, snap the swizzle stick of cretinism and whip the corpse of the deceased equine (metaphorically and literally depending on the laws in your state and the broad-mindedness of your neighbours).

Please stay on the line. Your call is important to us.

Thank you for your time.

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